Customizing workspaces



Edit Current Workspace


Tools > Workspaces

To create a custom workspace, you can edit the current workspace, edit a copy of the current workspace, or create a new workspace. Create multiple workspaces for different drawing needs, or customize a single workspace to your personal preferences. Custom workspaces can be saved in your user folder, workgroup folder, or both. If you edit one of the standard Vectorworks workspaces, Vectorworks will save the customized copy in the user folder and maintain the original in the application folder.

Custom workspaces imported from other users may contain tools or commands that are not available with your current Vectorworks license; if this occurs, the Workspace Editor dialog box notifies you which commands and tools in the custom workspace are unavailable for your use. Selecting or attempting to use a tool or command that is unavailable with your license results in a warning notifying you that you cannot use the selected tool or command.

When updating your version of Vectorworks, use the Vectorworks Migration Manager to update custom workspaces to the latest version.

To create and manage custom workspaces:

Select one of the commands.

The Workspaces dialog box or the Workspace Editor dialog box opens.

Do one of the following:

In the Workspaces dialog box, select a workspace to manage; the Location column indicates where each workspace is saved and differentiates among multiple versions of a workspace with the same name. The active workspace displays in bold, with a check mark in the left column, but you can select any workspace to manage.

In the Workspace Editor dialog box, click in the Workspace field to see the list of workspaces and action options; the workspace list is divided into sections based on where each workspace is saved. Click the workspace to manage. The active workspace displays with a check mark in the left column, but you can select any workspace to manage. The workspace being edited displays in bold font.

The check mark indicates that the user's customized version of the Design Suite workspace is the active workspace; the bold font indicates that the default Architect workspace is currently being edited. When the changes are saved, the custom copy of the Architect workspace is copied to the user folder; the default Architect workspace is left unchanged.

Click an option to manage the workspace.

Click to show/hide the options.Click to show/hide the options.




Creates a new workspace named Workspace and saves it in the user folder; if New is selected from the Workspaces dialog box, the Workspace Editor dialog box opens, with the new workspace selected for editing


(Workspaces dialog box only)

Opens the Workspace Editor dialog box, with the selected workspace displayed for editing. 

If you edit one of the standard Vectorworks workspaces, Vectorworks will save the customized copy in the user folder and maintain the original in the application folder.


Creates a duplicate of the selected workspace, with "copy" appended to the end of the original workspace name


Renames the selected workspace. This option is not available for default Vectorworks workspaces in the application folder.

Change Location

Opens the Workspace Location dialog box. Specify whether to move the selected workspace to the user folder or to a workgroup folder; if there are multiple workgroup folders available, click to place a check mark in the Use column beside the desired folder. This option is not available for default Vectorworks workspaces in the application folder.


Reverts the workspace to its default settings. If a workspace with the same name exists in the application folder, the reverted workspace is deleted from the user or workgroup folder, and Vectorworks reverts to the default workspace. If you revert the active workspace, the Vectorworks program will load the workspace with the same name from the application folder. This option is not available for default Vectorworks workspaces in the application folder.


Deletes the selected workspace permanently from the user folder. Default workspaces cannot be deleted from the application folder. If you delete the active workspace, the Vectorworks program will reload with the first workspace in the list as the active workspace.


Exports the selected workspace's menu items, tools, and keyboard shortcuts as a text file. When prompted, specify the file name and the location for the file. The text file also lists keys reserved by the Vectorworks program or the operating system, shortcuts that cannot be user modified, and shortcuts that can be modified from within the Workspace Editor dialog box.

Reveal in Finder (Mac)

Show in Explorer (Windows)

Opens the folder containing the selected workspace

If you click Edit, or click New to create a new workspace from the Workspaces dialog box, the Workspace Editor dialog box opens.

Modify the menus, context menus, tools, keyboard shortcuts, and palette positions and settings as described in the following sections:

Modifying commands and tools in a workspace

Modifying special shortcuts

When you're finished customizing or creating workspaces, click Done or OK to close the dialog box.

Saving palette positions and settings

Updating custom workspaces and plug-in objects


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